“My mom gave me my first camera, one of those disposable ones, where I would take pictures of my family. Then in High School freshman orientation, I saw our school’s chief photographer–he had his DSLR camera, lens and everything. I had never seen a camera that big in my life. And I'm usually shy, so I'm really surprised that I went up to him. I asked him about it and he told me to sign up for a yearbook class, so the school would lend me a camera. I was the only freshman in a class of seniors. They taught me how to turn my camera on and how to switch my lenses. Everything from there was figuring it out on my own. I stayed in yearbook class all four years, and on my junior year, I became chief photographer. 📸
But I still didn’t really see myself doing photography as much as I have, or in the direction I've taken it. I recently got my master's in business, and I’ve been exploring my freelance work, helping businesses build their social media and website with product photography.
The value of my work is definitely something I'm still learning. Since I went to school in South Central, I understand the economic barrier, not a lot of us had the money to spend on things like grad photos. But I know all the hard work it takes to get your degree, so I think that it deserves to be celebrated. So I try to balance being affordable while still valuing my work.
I did a solo art show in October, but I didn't have any help or guidance, so that's what I wanted to do for other women in “Somos Mujeres”. I organized an art show intended to give femme artists a space to showcase their work, and share their unique experiences. At first, it was just going to be a one and done deal. But people liked it, and I realized, there's a need for this. It isn’t just about the art, it's about the community we're building, helping each other grow, making friends. So I did the first show last March, and then in July, and I'd really like to have it again, sometime close to the end of March.”- @_rebeccamoreno
Rebecca will be hosting a beginner’s photography class at our Amor Eterno market THIS SATURDAY! The class is $10 ONLY, click the link in bio to book your spot now!🤳🫶🏽