They say that when you find your passion in life, nothing can keep you from it. And that’s true for local artist, Ursula, aka, @urshfish. “There’s something about taking a blank page and turning it into art that is very rewarding, I would say that’s my favorite thing. No matter what’s going on in your life, you can set it aside, and create something out of nothing. And it’s really rewarding as well to have that canvas not only be my sketchbook/computer screen, but a t-shirt for @chucorelic.”
A self-taught artist, Ursula studied a Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences at UTEP and started working in graphic design during Covid in 2020. Ever since, she’s re-found her passion for art while designing for Chuco Relic.
“Of course making art comes with its grain of impostor syndrome, but battling that is something that takes lifelong learning, I think. In order to start, you have to allow yourself to make “bad” art. Make art without fear of it not being “good enough”, and push yourself to constantly learn– but also be proud of what you’ve created.
One of my favorite pieces would be “two lovers”, I drew it in Chalk the Block 2023 and drawing with chalk was very challenging! But the drawing itself is about love and balance, and how the purest love has no gender, no borders, but a balance in all things.”
Ursula has designed many things at Chuco Relic, she is the head behind the whole operation. We are so lucky to have her on our team! You can support local artists like Ursula by stopping in and buying her stuff, like these cute cards for your Valentine! 💘
Fun fact: Why Urshfish? 🐟A walking Darwin fish is the symbol for evolution, so it’s a nod to Ursula’s science background- with the Urshfish holding a pencil instead.